Hello Appeon Folks,
I heard that we can build PBDs faster if your library list is made of PBDs and PBLs for which we are going to build PBDs like below
Below is the target file consists of PBLs (Need to include PBL for application object as well) and PBDs
Save Format v3.0(19990112)
appname "Trial";
applib "appl_temp.pbl";
LibList "appl_temp.pbl;a_functions.pbd;pfeapsrv.pbd;pfedwsrv.pbd;pfemain.pbd;pfeutil.pbd;pfewnsrv.pbd;pfcapsrv.pbd;pfcdwsrv.pbd;pfcmain.pbd;pfcutil.pbd;pfcwnsrv.pbd;a.pbl;b.pbl;c.pbd;d.pbd;e.pbd;
type "pb";
Now if I want to build the PBDs for a.pbl, b.pbl and c.pbl then below is the ORCA script for building PBDs and exe.
scc connect offline
scc set target "Trial.pbt" "importonly outofdate"
scc refresh target 3pass
build library "appl_temp.pbl" "" pbd // using this pbl as this pbl has application. Though there is no change in this libary. Do I need to add this libary?
build library "a.pbl" "" pbd
build library "b.pbl" "" pbd
build library "c.pbl" "" pbd
build executable "Trial.exe" // There will be other informations but I have skipped that for now in this example.
Will this work in a complex OOPs object if that has been referred in other objects in lets say d.pbd and I am not rebuilding d.pbd as there is no changes in any objects under d.pbl?
This all changes I am doing to build faster.
Please advice.
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