We have moved to PowerBuilder 2021 in our dev environment and deploy our application by using InstallShield. The following code now generates an error in the deployed application.
pbdom_document pbdom_doc
pbdom_builder pbdom_bldr
pbdom_bldr = CREATE pbdom_builder
pbdom_doc = pbdom_bldr.BuildFromString(<stringName>) //Where <stringname> is the name of the xml string.
The Bad Runtime Function Reference error references the "pbdom_doc = pbdom_builder.BuildFromString(string_variable)" line.
This code has worked in previous years and versions of PB. Also, this code works without a problem when running interactively from a dev computer to create an XML document. So, I am pretty sure that I am missing something in my Installshield build or deployment.
On the dev system, I do not import "Import a PB Extenstion" into a PBL (pibble). Instead, I reference the PBDOM.pbd file in the library list:
Project file, Libraries tab: "C:\Program Files (x86)\appeon\Powerbuilder 21.0\IDE\pbdom.pbd"
When I deploy the project in Installshield, I deploy the PB 21.0 PBDOM.pbx file to the installation directory on the destination computer. I also deploy the xerces_c_2_8.dll and xerces_depdom_2_8.dll files.
(As a test, I also deployed the pbdom.pbd file but that did not seem to fix the issue)
Could you please tell me whether there are any other dependencies that I am missing or whether there is something that has changed in the new version of PB (2021) that would cause this error.
Thank you very much!
If you say so, I'll assume you're right. I do think that the use of PBD for the pbdom has the same risk as importing the PBX into a PBL: If you forget to hookup the latest version of the PBD that comes with powerbuilder, you'll have the exact same problems as when you forget to import the latest PBX that comes with powerbuilder.