One of our major reasons to switch to PB2107 was that we can get rid of Ghostscript. After we made our first tests with NativePDF we are very disappointed: The quality of the PDF created via NativePDF is very bad compared with the one created via Ghostscript.
I hope that the fault is on our side and there are some settings which we didn't saw until now. Are there any special parameters for making the qualilty of the output better?
A lot of our customers have a jpg in the header of their invoices. With JPGs (in picture controls) you can see significant differences in the quality.
You can reproduce that with every JPG (which has a certain quality).
One other point is that the size of customfonts like barcode is different between Ghostscript an NativePDF (nearly the half).
The current setting in our ob.ini:
[Data Window]
I hope that somebody can give me a solution for make the quality better. Perhaps: NativePDF_Quality=HIGH
Thank you
This is a great point. Pb.ini is also confusing, as we don't know if it is necessary to deploy it with the application (in this case it should be). I usually don't deploy it with my applications! As you speak of well documented functions, I have to add that SAP added some options to recent releases of powerbuilder that are also not documented (I can give an example). As they are not documented in PowerBuilder 2017, we don't know a) if they are included in Powerbuilder 2017, b) if they are in Powerbuilder 2017 we cannot use them as they may be documented only in SAP KBA articles. And here is another question... Does Appeon have access to those KBA Articles? They will be migrated to some Appeon subsystem?
Finally, about the pdf issue mentioned in the original message, we are still using GhostScript or PDF Creator. The issue about poor quality when using NativePDF with images is mentioned I believe in Appeon's Bulletin as a known issue.