1. Sheldon Shulman
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Wednesday, 14 November 2018 18:38 PM UTC

Here is my story.

I have installed GIT on our windows 2012 server successfully using BONOBOGIT and TortoiseGIT for the client, able to make changes on my machine and then after a two-step process of committing to the local copy and then pushing from the c drive copy up to the 2012 server copy - reflect the changes. (I presume this is a two step process - please let me know if I am wrong. Is it possible to push to the master on the 2012 server from the PB IDE only?) 

My final step to completing this transition is to recreate a batch compile process. I used the autocompiler run from a dos prompt using a .bat file to set it up - I used the text box in the project object to set the parms which made setting up a compile bat file very easy. BUT the results were a DISASTER!

It completely rebuilt my pbl’s and generated hundreds of errors.

I had to revert all of my pbls to the prior version to avoid this issue.


What did I do wrong?

I am able to build using the project object and it does not modify the pbl content so why did the bat compile do so. Please bear with me as I am new to GIT.


Any help is appreciated.


(BTW, I am using pb2017 r3 1858 under windows 10)


Thanks in advance,


Accepted Answer
Ken Guo @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 16 November 2018 00:35 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink

Hi Sheldon,

Please make sure that your PBL contents are correct and you can do a full build without any error before you execute AutoCompile.

Secondly, before you do AutoCompile, please delete all the *.sr* files in the folders that contains the PBLs.

Or you may copy all the PBLs and PBT to a separate folder to execute and see if it works.

If it still doesn’t work, we suggest that you submit a bug in Appeon Support site (https://www.appeon.com/standardsupport/) and provide a reproducible test case.




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