1. Shin Jungi
  2. PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
  3. Wednesday, 25 March 2020 08:50 AM UTC


We are developing APPEON mobile.

we try to code below code.

I want to know how can login server.

ll_retVal = lappeonfileservice.of_logonfileserver( "logisbill.cad.co.kr", 21, "username=taxuser11;password=xxxx" ) 

Now  appeonfileservice argment

ll_retVal  is  -1 :  retrund

 -1 - Failed to connect to the file server.

How can modify ?

Now our server status :

1. 21 port any open

2. 80 port any open

3. IIS server runing


As soon as possible want to solve this problums.


//================= Function Strat ===================
String ls_servername, ls_ipaddress, ls_userid, ls_password, ls_versionpath
Long ll_open, ll_connect

// Get FTP server info
Select n_server_name, t_ipaddress, t_userid, t_password, t_version_path
Into :ls_servername, :ls_ipaddress, :ls_userid, :ls_password, :ls_versionpath
From pmtb_x_version_server001

ls_servername = Trim(ls_servername)
ls_ipaddress = Trim(ls_ipaddress)
ls_userid = Trim(ls_userid)
ls_password = Trim(ls_password)
ls_versionpath = Trim(ls_versionpath)

IF ISNULL(ls_ipaddress) OR ls_ipaddress = '' THEN
Return True

// File uplaod
String ls_localfile, ls_remotefile
Boolean lb_putfile

// Server file Transfer setting
ls_localfile = arg_source
ls_remotefile = ls_versionpath + "CHECK\" + arg_target


//For example:
appeonfileservice lappeonfileservice
Long ll_retVal,ll_port
String ls_url,ls_ip,ls_username //ls_password
string ls_import_file_name, ls_filename
int li_last_pos

ls_import_file_name = ls_localfile

if ls_import_file_name = '' then
Messagebox("file service", "Please select a file to upload.")
return False
end if

// upload file to server -start
lappeonfileservice = CREATE appeonfileservice

IF ( IsValid( lappeonfileservice ) ) THEN

ll_retVal = lappeonfileservice.of_logonfileserver( "logisbill.cad.co.kr", 21, "username=taxuser11;password=xxxx" ) // - mykul420

IF ( ll_retVal <> 0 ) THEN
MessageBox( 'File server error', 'Could not connect to file server !!!~r~nOperation aborted !', StopSign!, OK! )

lappeonfileservice.of_appeonupload( ls_import_file_name, ls_remotefile, false, ll_retVal)

IF ( ll_retVal <> 0 ) THEN
MessageBox( 'File server error', 'Could not upload the attached document to file server !!!~r~nOperation Aborted !', StopSign!, OK! )
ll_retVal = lappeonfileservice.of_logofffileserver()
IF ( ll_retVal <> 0 ) THEN
MessageBox( 'File server error', 'There was an error while disconnecting from the file server !!!~r~nOperation Aborted !', StopSign!, OK! )

DESTROY lappeonfileservice

// retrun normal
Return True

//================= Function End ===================

Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 25 March 2020 14:36 PM UTC
  2. PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
  3. # 1

Hi Shin;

   Did you complete the Appeon File Server configuration?

FYI:  https://docs.appeon.com/appeon_online_help/pb2019/workarounds_and_api_guide/ch01s03s04.html

Regards ... Chris

  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 31 March 2020 14:07 PM UTC
Yes, J2EE = "any Java based App Server".

In the above link that I gave you ... locate your Java based App Server and then follow the installation instructions for that server type.
  1. Helpful
  1. Shin Jungi
  2. Monday, 6 April 2020 00:15 AM UTC
Hi chris

My problem solved.



  1. Helpful
  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Monday, 6 April 2020 01:06 AM UTC
That is great news Jungi! :-)
  1. Helpful
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