Is there any examples of using RESTFul APIs with Appeon Mobile.
I had assumed that the samples provided for the desktop would work but they don't for me.
e.g. the below works fine for me as a desktop app using PB 2017 R3 but fails silently when put in an Appeon Mobile App
httpclient http
JSONParser json
integer li_rc
string ls_request_url
string ls_string, ls_result
ls_request_url = "https://reqres.in/api/users/2"
http = create httpclient
li_rc = http.sendrequest('GET', ls_request_url)
if li_rc = 1 and http.GetResponseStatusCode() = 200 then
MessageBox('Valid JSON Reply',ls_string)
MessageBox('','Problem getting JSON.')
end if
Can the above be achieved when using Appeon Mobile and are there any good samples?
I can see the documentation mentions JSON LINK but not mention of retrieving that data.
Any help appreciated.
That's again for confirming! I incorrectly thought it was out for both.
FYI: I just heard from Appeon Marketing & Engineering that the next release of PowerServer is now pushed back and will be released around the same time as the next release of PB (Q2 2019).
FWIW: In the mean-time, I have already used this with PS2017 Mobile apps by calling a PB Web Service that in turn "brokers" the RESTful call and then just returns the JSON result set as a "work around" ( if you need this functionality now ).
Regards ... Chris
Product Update ... The PS2018 product will now be released as PS2019. The new PS2019 product should be released in Q1 of 2019.
Regards ... Chris