- PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
- Sunday, 26 August 2018 09:13 PM UTC
Hello Everyone,
We have deployed a first mobile application with PowerBuilder Universal Edition 2017 R2. After upgrading to the last version 2017 R3, the mobile application cannot insert a new record to the database via a DataWindow Object (but update or delete works well).
The application is redeployed and the debug mode is activated on the PowerServer. The logs file looks as following:
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [AXDispatcher (GetHeader)] Header-pt:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [JRouterImpl (Call)] command=DWUpdateCommandData[
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] UpdateType=0,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] DataObjectName=d_m_customer_page1,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] XmlContent=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] HasWsConnect=0,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] AuthenticationMode=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] CilentCertificateFile=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] Endpoint=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] Userdomain=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] Username=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] Password=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] ProxyServerHostName=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] ProxyServerUsername=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] ProxyServerHostPassword=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] ProxyServerPort=0,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] Timeout=0,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] UseWindowsIntegratedAuthentication=False,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] DataWindowCount=1,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] SqlList=[[insert into "customers" ( "customer_id","site_id","custype","custitle","cusname","addr1","postalcode","city","arr_district","phone","source_id","siccode_id","isowner","datecreate","usercode","cuscategory","provider_id","std_duedays" ) values ('2801016601','2801','P','M.','AZERTY','34','75016','TEST 16','16','0123456789','P.TEST P','000X','0','2018-04-26 00:00:00.000000','AGE','F','LAMBERT',0)]],
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] SqlTypeList=[[Insert]],
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] SqlParametersCount=[[0]],
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] SqlParameterList=[[null]],
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] SelectIdentityCountList=[0],
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] IsNeedTransferCharset=False,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] DBEncoding=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] ClientEncoding=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] PBTransObject=PBTransactionProperties[Name=sqlca, ConnectionCache =axlds2801,DriverID=0, AutoCommitMode=AutoCommit, CommitOnDisconnect=True, DbType=ASA7.x/8.x/9.x, ConnectionLifeTime=-1],
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] ParameterList=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] SecurityKey=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] IsInChainedMode=False,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] SessionMap=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] SessionChanged=False,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] ApplicationName=accelm,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] Flag=-62,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] SessionId=accelm$4FD33659E88C413E5D92A66A7DCA6A5F$,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] ClientType=1,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] ClientContext={counter=Appeon.Util.Counter, pt=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], inputencoding=UTF-16LE, rStream=2010611248, testdata_session=System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState, appeon_clienttype=ios, server_flag=[20, 4, 3, 18], encoding=UTF-8, protocolMode=bin, rUser=, rIP=, return_pt=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]},
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] CommandDataId=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] LogId=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] IsNeedSession=True,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] IsAsynchronous=False,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] List=null,
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] PBVersion=17.0]
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] sql amount=1
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] insert into "customers" ( "customer_id","site_id","custype","custitle","cusname","addr1","postalcode","city","arr_district","phone","source_id","siccode_id","isowner","datecreate","usercode","cuscategory","provider_id","std_duedays" ) values ('2801016601','2801','P','M.','AZERTY','34','75016','TEST 16','16','0123456789','P.TEST P','000X','0','2018-04-26 00:00:00.000000','AGE','F','LAMBERT',0),parameterList=]
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [Sessions (GetSession)] sessionName=accelm$4FD33659E88C413E5D92A66A7DCA6A5F$
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [ProcessManagerForPB (getProductEditType)] getProductEditType begin
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [PBLicenseFacade (GetLicenseInfo)] input para: productType:3pVersion:9.0
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [PBLicenseFacade (GetLicenseInfo)] result:100
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [PBLicenseFacade (GetLicenseInfo)] iRealBytesOfResult:627
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [PBLicenseFacade (GetLicenseInfo)] pBufferOfResult:
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [PBLicenseFacade (GetLicenseInfo)] pBufferOfLicenseInfo:{
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "UserLoginInfo" : {
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "UserAccount" : "xxxxxx",
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "Password" : "xxxxxx"
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] },
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "UserActivateInfo" : {
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "UserAccount" : "",
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "Password" : ""
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] },
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "RemindCycle" : 5,
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "LicenseType" : "CloudLicense",
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "CloudLicense" : {
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "LogActivateType" : 1,
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "Login" : {
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "LicenseVerType" : 2,
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "ProductType" : 3,
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "LoginState" : 1,
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "LicenseExpireTime" : 1561953599,
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "LicenseExpireTimeDisplay" : 1561953599,
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "LicenseRemainDays" : 309,
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "CurrentLoginTime" : 1535305010,
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "Language" : "en",
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "ProductVersion" : "9.0",
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "UserAccount" : "xxxxxxx",
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] "ProductEditType" : "Developer"
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] }
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] }
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] }
463:1 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [ProcessManagerForPB (getProductEditType )] productEditType:Developer
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [JRouterImpl (Call-Before execute)] Execute command.execute()
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [Sessions (GetSession)] sessionName=accelm$4FD33659E88C413E5D92A66A7DCA6A5F$
463:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [Sessions (getSessionNoUpdateTime)] sessionName1=accelm$4FD33659E88C413E5D92A66A7DCA6A5F$
509:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [DWUpdateCommand (execute DataWindow update sql successfully)] sql = insert into "customers" ( "customer_id","site_id","custype","custitle","cusname","addr1","postalcode","city","arr_district","phone","source_id","siccode_id","isowner","datecreate","usercode","cuscategory","provider_id","std_duedays" ) values ('2801016601','2801','P','M.','AZERTY','34','75016','TEST 16','16','0123456789','P.TEST P','000X','0','2018-04-26 00:00:00.000000','AGE','F','LAMBERT',0)
509:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [Sessions (getSessionNoUpdateTime)] sessionName1=accelm$4FD33659E88C413E5D92A66A7DCA6A5F$
509:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [JRouterImpl (execute - Before validateTransactionAfterExecute)] ReturnObject [ Code=0, Message=success, Exception=, ReturnValue= ]
509:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [Sessions (GetSession)] sessionName=accelm$4FD33659E88C413E5D92A66A7DCA6A5F$
509:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [JRouterImpl (Call-After execute)] After execute command.execute()
509:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] [AXDispatcher (doPost)]
509:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] =======================INVOKE FINISHED======
509:3 [18-08-26 21:39:05] Input time
Other technical detail:
- Database: SQL Anywhere 17
- OS for PowerServer: Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016
- OS for Mobile platform : Android
We would appreciate all your advices and experiences on this issue.
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