Clarence Chamorro
- PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
- Saturday, 8 September 2018 03:02 PM UTC
Good Morning People,
I will like to find out how to code a Dynamic Database Connection in PS. Can you point me in the right direction.
It just to be a very good video in area PowerServer Web & Mobile Tutorials of appeon website, but now it shows a different video.
In Previous video the presenter (I do not remember his name, latin person) shows an application and then it actually show the code of creating a Dynamic Database Connection or cache. I was going to see the video again but now it is a different one. Sorry for my poor description/info of this video.
My issue is that users logon with user id and Password. I open the connection with these information but them some how the connected person to the database is the user id that is in the PowerServer data source definition. What I want to happen is what is happening with the application runing in Windows. Which is connect with the information passed.
Here my actual code setting up the DBMS parameters and connecting to the database.
//cch set the sqlca.dbms aprameters
SQLCA.AutoCommit = False
SQLCA.DBParm = "ConnectString='DSN=arazoza_prod17;UID=;PWD=;UID=" + Trim(istr_gen.username) + ";PWD="+ Trim(istr_gen.userpassword) +"',cachename='arazoza_prod17'"
//cch try to connect to the database
//cch check for potencial erros wrong user id or password ect...
= 0 THEN gnv_app.inv_error.of_SetPredefinedSource(SQLCA)
rc = 1
choose case SQLCA.SQLDBCode
case -103
MessageBox ("Invalid User ID / Password Entered", "Please reenter & touch the Login button Again~r~n or Touch the Cancel button to quit")
case else
MessageBox ("Connect failed",string(SQLCA.SQLDBCode) + ' ' +SQLCA.SQLErrText)
end choose
End if
IF rc = 1 THEN
EVENT pfc_microhelp("Logon Successful. User ID is " + istr_gen.username)
End If
What I do not know is how to make PowerServer pass my parameters instead of what is in the PowerServer data source.
It will be great, like I said before, if you can point me in the right direction.
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