so th
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 15 August 2023 12:34 AM UTC
Hi kind souls,
Please could you give me a step by step procedure how to build deploy or incremental build my workspace or individual targets using command line. I have seen some command scripts not entirely working correctly. Is there a way i can test the deployment if an .exe is created? what are the advantages of deploying through command line? Please assist me.
I am going through this link currently https://docs.appeon.com/pb2021/pbug/ug58941.html#d0e58258 but if someone has deployed it in real life could you please show me the steps ? or share the command list with me.
Concern 2 - Also we are looking at migrating our windows desktop application to .NET . What are the key questions i need to ask my manager ? how easy will it be to migrate a power builder application to dot net application?
How can we convert the data windows to .NET ? if anyone has already migrated what are the key factors to keep in mind while migrating the application?
Is there a whatsapp group or text messaging group I can follow through if any PB Experts can help me guide through the process please email me at sosunshin22@gmail.com
Thank you
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