Venugopal r
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 14 August 2023 07:31 AM UTC
Hi Team,
I'd like to know how I can resolve and implement this feature in my application.
When the database connection fails, our application displays DB error messages wherever a DB hit operation is performed. However, the DB connection returned to normal after 2 or 3 minutes, but the system did not continue. As a result, the user is forcibly closing their application session and re-launching the application. To avoid that we are implementing the below approach.
To address this issue, we implemented the transaction object whenever a DB failure transaction object DB error event is triggered, and from there we try to close all open windows and show the DB-reconnect option window to the user to reestablish the connection. We have achieved this feature, but when we close all open windows, we receive the error message shown below. (Yellow highlights)
Please provide any suggestions and guide me how to achieve this feature in PB.
Also, is there a simple way to close all the windows that are open on top of the MDI frame? Please help.
Hope this issue is due to some memory league. I tried destroying option too but no luck.
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