1. Padmagowri Chandrasekaran
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Thursday, 6 October 2022 07:28 AM UTC

Hi Team,  We have a request to add a new column to a data object. After adding a new column, the datawindow does not show the entire screen columns due to print specifications. I have tried modifying the margins and paper specs but still no luck. How to adjust the print specification to show the entire datawindow columns. Please address this as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.




Padmagowri Chandrasekaran Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 7 October 2022 05:53 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi All,

Thanks all for your suggestions. We had a trouble showing the entire columns on the datawindow when running the application as because the datawindow has been turned on with print preview option and hence it was, trying to show the preview of how the print is going to be with default printer settings.  I tried turning off print preview and after which, the entire columns were properly shown but the user's request is to always preview the print on the datawindow before event they print so I decided to change the paper size which can accommodate all the datawindow columns and after which, the problem got sorted out. 


Thanks & Regards,


  1. Sivaprakash BKR
  2. Monday, 10 October 2022 07:45 AM UTC
Glad that the issue is resolved. Can you take your time to mark this issue as resolved.

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  1. Padmagowri Chandrasekaran
  2. Monday, 10 October 2022 07:50 AM UTC
Yes please close the issue
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  1. Sivaprakash BKR
  2. Monday, 10 October 2022 11:17 AM UTC

Only you can close this thread. There are two ways to close it

1. Accept as answer.

2. Mark Resolved.

Hope these two options are not tough to find. You can choose one and close this.


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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 6 October 2022 18:48 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Hi Padma;

  I am confused as that is what the DataWindow Control's "Scroll bars" are for. Changing Print Specifications does not control the DWO's display on the screen but, only how it gets formatted for the Printer when printing. +

Maybe you can elaborate on your issue some more & also add some screen captures to clarify?

Regards ... Chris

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mike S Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 6 October 2022 14:35 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 3

you can also set the 'zoom' setting in the datawindow.  anything under 100% will shrink the data which will allow it to fit on a page


or change the size of columns until it fits

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Sivaprakash BKR Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 6 October 2022 07:45 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 4


You can set printpreview = no with
dw_1.Modify("DataWindow.Print.Preview = no")

Be aware that the columns beyond the paper size will print in the next page!

Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash


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