We are planning on use the SQL Anywhere dbremote program to maintain two copies of the same database on servers in two different timezones. We have a number of timestamps in our database and currently none store the timezone. It is very easy to change various of our columns from "timestamp" to "timestamp with time zone" (UTC) however it does not look like PB 2019 datawindows handle the timestamp with timezone data type properly. We have a large number of datawindows and a lot of code that work with these timestamps that need to be switched to UTC but it does not look like we can just switch over to these UTC timestamps in the database without a significant rewrite.
Does anyone have any experience dealing with this situation and can you offer any advice?
So physical server or VM running in Australia remains configured for local time zone. Difference is that you can define database's "internal = simulated" time zone as CET (Berlin + Copenhagen + ...) . SQL Anywhere will internally do conversions in-flight. - - that's how I understand SQL Any's docs.