Tech Articles

UI Modernization - Code Samples from CodeXchange

In this article you will find a list of Code Samples related to UI Modernization of your PowerBuilder apps. These code examples are found at Appeon's CodeXChange.


 **The list has been ordered from newest to oldest.

UI Modernization Apps from CodeXChange
Name Description

Web Browser Demo from Elevate 2020


Shows working with web and local file and the new capability added in 2019 R3 for javascript interaction

[WebBrowser Control]

PFC Resize without PFC


Code for my 2020 Elevate Session Using the PFC Resize service without the PFC. I have broken out 2 objects from the PFC that can now be used without any other PFC objects. I've also supplied a base window to use as a guide for your ancestor window and a descendant window that shows some different resize options. Also included are 2 objects for the datawindow resize service also broken out of the pfc that you can use. Note - this target is PB2019 R2. Happy resizing!


PFC Resizing Example Application


This is a single-window example application that accompanies the PowerBuilder tutorial "A Simple Methodology for Complex Resizing Scenarios Using the PFC" that will soon be available in the CodeXchange area of the Appeon Community web site.


Generic RibbonBar Event Handling


Rather than create different events for each app button menu item and ribbonbar button, create just three events and have the ribbonbar control determine which window event to call based on which app button menu item or ribbonbar button fired the event.

[RibbonBar Control]

RibbonBar Menu Generator


The attached utility allows you to select a target and will list the menus within the application. If you double click on a menu, the utility will generate sample XML for a RibbonBar that will contain app menu items and ribbon buttons corresponding to menu items in the selected menu.

[RibbonBar Control]

Sample code showing new theme capability in PowerBuilder 2019


Sample code showing new theme capability in PowerBuilder 2019

12/28/2020: The sample has been updated for 2019 R3.

[UI Themes]

Icon Replace Tool


As PB 2018 introduced many new Windows 10 style icons, this tool can be used to batch replace the old icons with the new ones in an PB application by exporting the source code using ORCA API, replacing the matching strings and then importing back into the PBLs. Please refer to the Readme.docx inside the zip file for more details.

Development Requirements:
IDE: PB 2018 and PB IDE that matches the target PBLs.

[Win10 Icons]

Icon Replace Tool for PB 2019


As PB 2019 introduced many new Windows 10 style icons, this tool can be used to batch replace the old icons with the new ones in an PB application by exporting the source code using ORCA API, replacing the matching strings and then importing back into the PBLs. Please refer to the Readme.docx inside the zip file for more details.

Development Requirements:
IDE: PB 2019 and PB IDE that matches the target PBLs.

[Win10 Icons]

A DataWindow Head Sort UserObject


The PB UersObject that can let the user click the head then sort the column.
You can use that UO in place of the original PB DataWindow control.


DataWindow Tooltip Service


A service for providing tooltips on DataWindows with a wrapper for Microsoft Common Control using external API control comctl32.dll and so on.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)


Autosize Height of Header and/or Trailer


Autosize Height of Header and/or Trailer The only band that has autosize height is the detail band. This is a way to simulate autosize height of the header and/or trailer by using nested reports. Retrieve d_main using demo db.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)


DataWindow ApplyStyle


A PB utility to clone display style between two datawindows. Support save as another SRD.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)


PB Image Demo


Demo of storing/retrieving image data in blob columns and applying to window/DataWindow image controls.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)

[DataWindow / Blob / Images]

User Interfaces for Long Running Processes


This application contains examples of how to keep your users informed during a long running process. Click on a button on the left to sample the three different techniques.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)

[PB Application]

Treeview Print Example


Treeview Print with State and Overlay Pictures base classes of user objects based on PB.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)


A Taskbar To Create and Close Windows


A simple taskbar example using PB MDI window features.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)

[PB MDI window]

Custom MDI Window


A custom MDI window that includes Treeview and TaskBar and uses the 'ArrangeSheets' function to arrange child-windows.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)

[PB MDI window]

PB Transparent Window


An example of using external API functions(SetLayeredWindowAttributes) to transparently expose the window.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)

[PB Window]

RTF Font Demo (Version 2)


An example of the ability to edit the font using the external API function (gdi32.dll etc).
Pay particular attention to object u_rte_demo.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)


RTF Font Demo with Enhancements


This is an upgraded version of the RTF font demo that uses the RTF control new to powerbuilder 10 and set to work with unicode. In addition to the conversion to 10.5 I also added some other demonstration functions such as italics, underline, and strike out and weight.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)


Button Tooltip Example


Displays Tag Property as Tooltip when the mouse is within control using pure-PB code. For more details, please refer to buttonstooltip.txt.

Development Requirements:
IDE: PB 9.03 (convertable to PB 8 / PB 7 /PB 6.5 using Export/Import. Most Datawindows are Release 6, so no source edit is necessary. The Example has been tested to convert to PB11 without any problem.)

[Button / Tooltip]

PictureControl Scrollable Example


1. Load picture from string (blob) into picture control.
2. Zoom and scroll picture.
3. Print picture using a DataWindow.
New in this version:
1. Additional resize option.
2. Resize picture to A4 format.
3. Rememer last Resize Option.
4. Open picture in a standard picture window w_img_sh using parameter.
(Tooltips for buttons more than one line)

For more details, please refer to picturecontrol.txt.


PictureControl ScrollZoom Example


PictureControl with zoom, scroll, print capabilities. For more details, please refer to picturecontrol.txt.

Development Requirements:
IDE: Unknown (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)


PB Editor Control v1.0


The PB Editor Control is used to display PowerScript code in a PowerBuilder application.

Syntax highlighting is achieved by using the open source editor control Scintilla. In order to make the editor control work properly you must download the file SciLexer.dll from and copy it to your Windows System32 folder.

[Custom PB Editor]

PB control resize


Resizes all controls in the window if the window is resized.

Development Requirements:
IDE: PB 8.02 build 9506 (Can be upgraded to PB 12.6 or above)
Should work with any PB version. Simply add the PBT to your workspace and run it.

[PB Controls]

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