Larry Molter
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 29 October 2019 05:40 PM UTC
Migrated existing PB11 app to PB2019. No issues.
Built 32-bit executable with PowerGen10. No issues.
Added 32-bit runtime DLLs to distribution files.
Runs ok on:
- Win 7 desktop
- Win 10 desktop with standard Dell image
Will not run on:
- Win 10 desktop or laptop that has our company image.
The big rhetorical question is: What did we remove/change/goober up with the company image to make it different than the standard Win 10 image? .NET Framework? Oracle drivers?
We're trying to persuade upper management of the NEED to upgrade, and this issue doesn't help our cause. Just wish I knew what was missing. To this end, I will send email to our network group.
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