Milton Jiménez
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 9 August 2017 02:06 AM UTC
There is some solution for Object pfc_n_cst_security.of_setcurity(graphicobject) /
support@appeon send :
For the classdefinition in pfc_n_cst_security.of_setsecurity(graphicobject), Please try the steps below:
1 Set the values of all ancestor grapjiobjects's Tag to objectname.
2. Modify the script of of_setsecurity() as below:
string ls_objname
integer li_rc
menu lm_menu
userobject luo_object
tab ltab_tab
// check arguments
If IsNull(ago_obj) or Not IsValid(ago_obj) Then Return False
// check if security was set
if not ib_initsecurity then return false
ls_objname = ago_obj.tag
IF of_LoadSecurity(ls_objname)
il_numberofrows = ids_items.RowCount()
choose case ago_obj.typeof()
case menu!
lm_menu = ago_obj
of_setmenu(ls_objname, lm_menu)
case userobject!
luo_object = ago_obj
of_SetControlArray(ls_objname, luo_object.control, '')
case tab!
ltab_tab = ago_obj
of_SetControlArray(ls_objname, ltab_tab.control, '')
case datawindow!
of_setcontrolstatus ( ago_obj, ls_objname, '', '' )
case else
of_setcontrolstatus ( ago_obj, ls_objname, '', ls_objname )
end choose
return true
The menu is disabled
If I use the Appeon / ACF_framework library object; The entire menu is disabled
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