Window Position (64 Bit)
- How-to
- 64-bit
Mayller Lopez
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 30 December 2020 10:50 AM UTC
Hi Everyone,
I have a calendar control which was working fine in 32bit (Calendar 32Bit.JPG), but after compiling in 64bit the calendar control appearing outside the application window as per attached (Calendar 64Bit.JPG), Im using PB 12.6 B4138. The behavior should be same as the 32bit application.
Below is the code function executed when button is clicked beside the text box (ROS Date)
POINT structure is in longlong as per changed in my previous problem which was fixed.
long ll_i, ll_X, ll_Y, ll_DWx, ll_Height, ll_Split
string ls_s
POINT lPoint
Environment Env
ls_s = iDW.Describe(is_column + ".X")
ll_i = Pos(ls_s, "~t")
IF ll_i > 0 THEN ls_s = Mid(ls_s, ll_i + 1, Len(ls_s) - (ll_i + 1))
ll_X = UnitsToPixels(Long(iDW.Describe("Evaluate('" + ls_s + "', " + String(il_row) + ")")), XUnitsToPixels!)
ls_s = iDW.Describe(is_column + ".Y")
ll_i = Pos(ls_s, "~t")
IF ll_i > 0 THEN ls_s = Mid(ls_s, ll_i + 1, Len(ls_s) - (ll_i + 1))
ll_Y = UnitsToPixels(Long(iDW.Describe("Evaluate('" + ls_s + "', " + String(il_row) + ")")), YUnitsToPixels!)
IF ll_X = 0 OR ll_Y = 0 THEN RETURN
ll_Height = UnitsToPixels(Long(iDW.Describe(is_column + ".Height")), YUnitsToPixels!) + 2
ll_Split = UnitsToPixels(Long(iDW.Describe("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollSplit")), XUnitsToPixels!) - 1
IF ll_Split > 0 AND UnitsToPixels(iDW.PointerX(), XUnitsToPixels!) > ll_Split + 5 THEN
ll_X += - UnitsToPixels(Long(iDW.Describe("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition2")), XUnitsToPixels!) + ll_Split + 5
ll_X -= UnitsToPixels(Long(iDW.Describe("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition")), XUnitsToPixels!)
ll_DWx = UnitsToPixels(iDW.X, XUnitsToPixels!)
ll_X += ll_DWx
ll_Y += UnitsToPixels(iDW.Y, YUnitsToPixels!) + UnitsToPixels(Long(iDW.Describe("DataWindow.Header.Height")), YUnitsToPixels!) + (il_row - Long(iDW.Describe("DataWindow.FirstRowOnPage"))) * UnitsToPixels(Long(iDW.Describe("DataWindow.Detail.Height")), YUnitsToPixels!) + 1
lPoint.X = ll_X
lPoint.Y = ll_Y
Externs.ClientToScreen(Externs.GetParent(Handle(iDW)), lPoint)
IF lPoint.X <= 0 THEN lPoint.X --
IF lPoint.X < 0 THEN lPoint.X = 0
IF lPoint.X + UnitsToPixels(This.Width, XUnitsToPixels!) > Env.ScreenWidth THEN
lPoint.X = Env.ScreenWidth - UnitsToPixels(This.Width, XUnitsToPixels!)
IF lPoint.Y + ll_Height + UnitsToPixels(This.Height, YUnitsToPixels!) > Env.ScreenHeight THEN
lPoint.Y -= UnitsToPixels(This.Height, YUnitsToPixels!)
lPoint.Y += ll_Height
Move(PixelsToUnits(lPoint.X, XPixelsToUnits!), PixelsToUnits(lPoint.Y, YPixelsToUnits!))
If il_shadow_width > 0 Then iuo_shadow.CaptureDesktop(This)
Externs.SetWindowPos(Handle(This), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67)
Appreciate the help.
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