Gordon Weil
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 18 January 2023 04:54 PM UTC
I have a PowerBuilder 17 application that occasionally sets window height and width to a specific value.
I am converting the application to PowerBuilder 2022.
In the PowerBuilder 2022 code, whatever I set the window height to, it is always 40 units larger. Whatever I set the window width to, it is always wider. If I happen to use the previous value to calculate the next value, the window gets larger and larger every time I set it because the code written for PB17 expected the actual value to be identical to the set value but in PB22 the actual value is always larger than the set value.
I do not have this problem with window controls, only the actual window. Window controls behave the same as they did in PB17.
So in PB17, the statement "aWindow.Height = 1000" will make aWindow.Height equal to 1000. In PB22 "aWindow.Height = 1000" will will make aWindow.Height equal to 1040.
How do I get PB22 to have window height set to the value I assign it?
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