David Vasconcelos
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 28 June 2018 04:33 PM UTC
When you have a modify statement and need multiple Tilde's I.e "~t" if you have "if" statements for attributes or strings ~".
In one of the Appeon docs it's mentions
"Tilde ("~") on the web may not take effect if it is contained in a nested string that is a variable or it is contained in a string whose nested level is up to two." as unsupported.
The following statement does not work in the web (but works in PB native) I am assuming its not working because of the multiple Tilde's.
sCollapsedExpression = sValueColumn + "=~"" + sValue + "~""
sExpandedExpression = sValueColumn + "=~"" + sValue + "~""
sModify = "create bitmap(band=detail x='0~t(((" + islevelcol + &
" - 1)*"+isBMPWidth+") + " + isBMPX + ")' y='0' " + &
" height='" + sLevelHeight + "' width='" + isBMPWidth + "' " + &
' filename= "' + sExpanded + '" ' + &
" visible='0~tif(((" + islevelcol + " = " + &
string(iLevel) + ") and (expanded=1) and (" + &
sExpandedExpression + ")),1,0)' " + &
" name= " + sBitmapName + " )"
Is there a work around for tilde's or how can this be handled?
PB2017 R1, PowerServer 2017, Win10.
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