David Peace (Powersoft)
- SnapDevelop
- Friday, 27 May 2022 04:16 PM UTC
Hi Everyone
It's late frinday afternoon and I have spent the day musing an idea:
Can I use the Snap Develop C# migration tools to rapidly migrate a PB application to Web using Blazor Server and .Net Datastore for the data access layer?
Obviously the answer is Yes for the data access layer and probably yes to use the .Net datastore in the Blazor C# @Code sections.
Then perhaps I could also use the C# Models with validation code to drive the Blazor validations.
Finally can I develop a program to Parse the Windows & Datawindows to generate the @page data for the Blazor code and probably the data managemnt from the DW models too. I this this is possible, we have tested the idea of scafolding code from PB UI with Angular and TypeScript and that worked for simple screens and tab interface screens too. I'm thinking that using Blazor will be much easier as the @Code section for servier side C# is in the same file and does not require generating numerious files and keeping track of them all.
So what do people think about my crazy idea and do you think Blazor has a future.... after all Microsift changes with the wind! I'd be interested in Appeon's oppinion about this being a possible roadmap to get to Web from PB, using all the great tools to preserve the business logic and is it something they would consider?
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