Glenn Scamman
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 4 June 2024 10:10 PM UTC
We have noticed that sometime recently, some of our grid datawindows are scrolling to the top automatically when we switch to a different sheet and then come back to it. We are using PB 2022R3 build 3356, and we have a MDI application that utilizes the Tabbed View. We may have a window with a grid datawindow and several thousand rows retrieved. The user may have scrolled down near the bottom, selected a row, and then decided to check information on a different sheet by clicking on the tab of another window on the tabbed view. When they click back, the row in the grid dw hasn't changed, but the dw has scrolled to the top...causing them to have to scroll to locate the row again to bring it back into view.
I can't find a pattern to it yet, because some windows do this and some don't. The rowfocuschanged event is not firing. The scrollvertical event is not firing. We are using PFC. It is not all datawindows that use the PFC rowsselection service or the base service. Some do, some don't.
Has anyone else noticed this behavior? I would have to try another app to see if it is specific to the tabbedview approach.
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