sekhar sai
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 19 November 2020 06:53 AM UTC
Requesting help to modify the json file for themes.
we have modified json file - datawindow property but it got effected across the datawindow i.e. header, detail etc. in this freeform style along with across the application. That is label font color changed to white color in detail section as well which we do not want. It need remain the black color.
So to avoid this issues, instead of making changes in the json file we were forced to modify the header background color property with RGB(0.120.215) and label font color property RGB(255,255,255) in the datawindow individual object level property.
Please refer the attachment for more information.
So kindly suggest how to achieve the same feature by modifying the json file instead of individual objects changes.
Thanks & Regards,
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