Jon Stoller
- PowerBuilder
- Sunday, 5 November 2017 09:22 PM UTC
I updated an application from PowerBuilder v7 to PowerBuilder 2017.
There is a statement in a function in a Windows object in one of the PBLs.
ls_jobno = dw_compproclist.object.jobno[ll_tcur]
It moves information from a column in a datawindow into a local variable.
The problem is:
In PBv7 ls_jobno = "20288". There are no padded spaces on the right
In PB2017 ls_jobno = "20288 ". It is padded on the right with spaces.
(In the above example the column "jobno" is 18 characters. The jobno is "20288".)
Another point, it is not consistent.
Different datawindows give different results.
Here are statements from 2 different datawindows in the same function in the same Window object.
ls_jobno = dw_header.object.job[ll_tcur]
ls_jobno = '20288' - Not Padded
ls_jobno = dw_sheet.object.job[ll_tcur]
ls_jobno = '20288 ' - Padded
What can I do? It is a big problem.
I know I can manually program around the problem each time it occurs.
I'm still in the beginning stages of debugging the upgraded application.
But this issue could easily be strewn throughout my application, which is not a small application.
Is there anything to do that will make PowerBuilder work like it did in version 7?
- Make it never pad the variable with spaces? Make it automatically trim the variable?
Is there a setting I can enter to do this? Is there something like that?
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