Joerg Grunder
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 16 April 2024 01:49 AM UTC
maybe I'll be laughed at, but it seems to me, that I am the only guy, wanting an object, that handles speech to text-recognition.
Only that little "thing", that is on every smartphone: An Single-Line-Edit and a Microphone-icon beside to dictate google a question.
The only powerbuilder-sample I can find on the net is from chilkat, using ibm watson to perform a text to speech-translation:
Other way round: nothing. Chant activeX are not supported anymore.
Is this so -difficult-? -Or is it so simple, that it keeps someone busy, addressing built in functions of windows?
Why is there no custom-visual-object in the toolbar, that i can drop on my window and talk to;-)
Greetings from Germany...
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