Mark Montgomery
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 15 August 2023 07:38 PM UTC
In PB2022, I've added a web browser control to a window with a button that has the following script behind it:
STRING ls_url
LONG ll_return
ls_url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-15bjJxh6E"
ll_return = wb_1.Navigate(ls_url)
IF ll_return <> 1 THEN
MessageBox("Error", "Error " + String(ll_return) + " navigating to " + ls_url, StopSign!)
The control goes to YouTube and the video loads, however after clicking Play, there is no sound (it's not muted on the site). If I open that site from a regular browser, I get sound, so I'm missing something within PowerBuilder. Probably something simple, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what it is.
In the open event of the application, I put in WebBrowserSet ("enable-media-stream", "TRUE") even though that seems to be for camera or microphone access, but that didn't help.
In lieu of going to PB2022 R2 and seeing if the same thing happens, is there something I can try?
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