Mitch Goldstein
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 30 November 2020 04:08 PM UTC
I have recently reinstalled 2019 R2 due to a hard drive carsh where I needed to re-install everything. My SoapConnection which used to work is no longer working. How do I debug the issue?
Error: Bad Runtime function reference at line 14 in function checkrepoversion of object w_repo.
I've bolded line 14 below.
string ls_connect_url, ls_ret, ls_tmp
long ll_ret, lLog
integer li_pos, li_ret
wbsrv_soapconnection2 = CREATE SoapConnection
is_repo_site=ProfileString(gs_networkini,"Repository","Min-U-Script TR Site Domain Name","company2.minuscript.sparknetlabs.com")
if pos(is_repo_site,"sparknetlabs",1) > 0 then //on test server
ls_connect_url=ProfileString(gs_networkini,"Repository","Connect URL","http://company1.minuscript.sparknetlabs.com/Services/APIManagement.asmx")
ls_connect_url=ProfileString(gs_networkini,"Repository","Connect URL","https://mus-tr.com/Services/APIManagement.asmx")
end if
ll_ret = wbsrv_soapconnection2.Createinstance( lpo_proxy_obj2, 'repoverapimanagement1',ls_connect_url)
wbsrv_soapconnection2 is a global variable
SoapConnection wbsrv_soapconnection
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