Vaibhav Kak
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 1 October 2021 12:26 PM UTC
Hello Team,
We recently moved from PowerBuilder SE Version 2017 Build 1666 to Appeon PowerBuilder SE Version 2019 R2 Build 2353
And we had a old Project for generating service DLL from supplied WSDL file (SOAP webservice).
We were able to call the service using generated DLL in 2017 version, but now the calling is getting failed when below function, from SoapConnection object (pbwsclient.pbl) is called (i.e. in PB2019 version).
[ CreateInstance(ref powerobject obj, string proxyname, string portname) returns long ]
Integer i_Ret
String s_WebServiceEndpointURL // webservice url end-point being used.
String s_WebServiceProxyObjectName // name of webservice proxy-object being used.
PowerObject po_WebServiceProxyObject // powerojbect passed as 'REF'.
SoapConnection nv_SoapConnection // SoapConnection object instance.
//Create the Instance using the Soap Connection object
IF IsNull(s_WebServiceEndpointURL) OR Trim(s_WebServiceEndpointURL) = '' THEN
i_Ret = nv_SoapConnection.CreateInstance(po_WebServiceProxyObject, s_WebServiceProxyObjectName)
i_Ret = nv_SoapConnection.CreateInstance(po_WebServiceProxyObject, s_WebServiceProxyObjectName, s_WebServiceEndpointURL) // Code failing on this line.
So, basically an instance of SOAP connection is not getting created.
Please assist in resolving this issue, considering this as urgent.
Best regards,
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