Tim Robertson
- SnapDevelop
- Tuesday, 21 June 2022 05:08 AM UTC
I have a significant Analysis tool originally written in PowerBuilder and Migrated to C# using SnapDevelop. It has a dozen DataStore Objects and does some serious Retrieve and Update operations during the course of it's run. When I run it packaged outside of SnapDevelop, it runs with reasonable performance, when I try to Start it within the Tool using the Debugger, it writes out each SQL statement and tread transition as well as likely other stuff. Although I am sure this is interesting to someone doing a simple GUI or WebApp, it merely slows the process of debugging to a crawl. The IDE remains mostly responsive, but single step after a breakpoint waits until all of the queued up output for the Debug window is completed. "Clear", just truncates the earlier output, but does nothing to stop it. I have tried playing with appsettings.json (although this is a Console App) setting LogLevel, but this does not look like output from the MS Logger in any case.
Is there a Configuration in the project file to turn this off, I find no settings in the Tool that provide any affect. I hoped that with the 2021 version, this would be addressed, but it seems to be in this version as it was in the 2019 version.
Any advice would be great. I have not tried to switch to Visual Studio to see if the problem follows to there as well.
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