paulo gomes
- SnapObjects
- Thursday, 8 August 2019 01:58 AM UTC
Hi All,
We are migrating a NVO to REST C# Web API. One of the methods that has to be migrated gets as argument a datastore and return, by reference, two (02) string arrays: column_names and dataTypes_names
The PB method get the number of datastore columns and then loop to get the column names and data-types, using the datastore.Describe whithin the loop.
The DataStore object is one of the Snap Develop in the collection IDataStore, if I'm not wrong. It has almost all methods we find in a PB datastore and other methods and properties that belong only to the .Net framework and that does not exist in PB.
However, I could not find my way in Snap Develop to get the number of columns in a datastore and get their names and the corresponding data-types.
Is it possible with the actual Snap Develop version? I already know that Describe seems to be missing.
Thank you,
Paulo Gomes
Interval International
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