Simone Olianti
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 24 October 2023 02:19 PM UTC
Hello, i'm using the new SMTPClient and it's working good but i've noticed a strange behaviour when i look at the sent email
Even if I add only one recipient and only one attachment to the message, the recipient always gets multiple sender references and multiple attachments repeated more than once.
I've tried to reset the mime message but nothing changed.
The Message.AddRecipient
always returns an index value of 3 but i'm setting only one recipient to the message.
Another issue i've experiencing is that if i use the "AddBcc" function the send returns always -7. if i use "AddCc" it works, but again it returns always an index of 3 even if i add only one.
I'm using PB 2022 R2 (build 2819) with the latest PB Hotfix.
Any ideas?
SMTPClient lnv_SmtpClient
lnv_SmtpClient = CREATE SMTPClient
//set the email account information
lnv_SmtpClient.Host = 'xxxx'
lnv_SmtpClient.Port = 587
lnv_SmtpClient.Username = 'xxx'
lnv_SmtpClient.password = 'xxxx'
lnv_SmtpClient.EnableTLS = True
//set the email message
lnv_SmtpClient.message.reset( 0 )
lnv_SmtpClient.Message.SetSender(vLS_from, vLS_fromname)
lnv_SmtpClient.Message.encoding = 'windows-1252'
For vLI_idx = 1 To upperbound(vLS_toemail)
lnv_SmtpClient.Message.AddRecipient(vLS_toemail[vLI_idx], vLS_toname[vLI_idx])
For vLI_idx = 1 To upperbound(vLS_ccemail)
lnv_SmtpClient.Message.addcc(vLS_ccemail[vLI_idx], vLS_ccname[vLI_idx])
For vLI_idx = 1 To upperbound(vLS_bccemail)
lnv_SmtpClient.Message.addbcc(vLS_bccemail[vLI_idx], vLS_bccname[vLI_idx])
// build attachment list
vLI_max = upperbound(vLS_attachment)
For vLI_idx = 1 To vLI_max
vLS_filename =vLS_attachment[vLI_idx]
lnv_SmtpClient.Message.Subject = ls_subject
lnv_SmtpClient.Message.TextBody = ls_body
lnv_SmtpClient.message.Priority = 0
lnv_SmtpClient.Timeout = 10
lnv_SmtpClient.LogFile(ls_logfile, false)
//send the email message
li_rc = lnv_SmtpClient.Send()
IF li_rc = 1 THEN
MessageBox("SMTPClient", "EMail Inviata Correttamente.")
choose case li_rc
case -1
ls_errmsg = "A general error occurred."
case -2
ls_errmsg = "Unable to connect to service through proxy."
case -3
ls_errmsg = "The given proxy host could not be resolved."
case -4
ls_errmsg = "The given remote host could not be resolved."
case -5
ls_errmsg = "Failed to connect to host."
case -6
ls_errmsg = "Host is of bad/illegal format or is missing."
case -7
ls_errmsg = "Protocol is not supported."
case -8
ls_errmsg = "Error in SSL connection."
case -9
ls_errmsg = "Server certificate is revoked."
case -10
ls_errmsg = " Service certificate authentication failed."
case -11
ls_errmsg = "Operation timeout."
case -12
ls_errmsg = "The remote server denied curl to login."
case -13
ls_errmsg = "Failed sending network data."
case -14
ls_errmsg = "Failure in receiving network data."
case -15
ls_errmsg = "Incorrect username or password."
case -16
ls_errmsg = "Error reading local file."
case -17
ls_errmsg = "No sender has been specified."
case -18
ls_errmsg = "No recipients have been specified."
end choose
MessageBox("SMTPClient Error", String(li_rc) + ' - ' + ls_errmsg, stopsign!, ok!)
DESTROY lnv_SmtpClient
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