Thorsten Kummer
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 21 February 2022 02:09 PM UTC
Dear all,
I am having a problem with setting a columns status to NotModiefied!, look here
dw_list.SetItem(ll_row, "workitemstatus", 'Y')
ldws_status = dw_list.getItemStatus(ll_row, 'workitemstatus', Primary! ) -->> now it is dataModified!
ll_ret = dw_list.SetItemStatus(ll_row, "workitemstatus",Primary!, NotModified!) ---> ll_ret is 1 (success)
ldws_status = dw_list.getItemStatus(ll_row, 'workitemstatus', Primary! ) ----> it is still DataModified! although I expect NotModieifed!
What's wrong here?
I am using PB 2019 R2, Build 2353
Thanks in advance
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