Seconds Precision
- Issue
Roland Smith
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 27 August 2021 01:06 AM UTC
The help topic 'standard datatypes' says this about the Time datatype:
The time in 24-hour format, including the hour (00 to 23), minute (00 to 59), second (00 to 59), and fraction of second (up to six digits), with a range from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.999999.
The 'time display formats' help topic says this:
ffffff - Microseconds with no leading zeros. You can enter one to six f's; each f represents a fraction of a second (must follow s or ss)
The following code only shows three digits with zeros for the final three.
String ls_time
Time lt_Current
lt_Current = Now()
ls_time = String(lt_Current, "hh:mm:ss.ffffff")
MessageBox("Current", ls_time)
I get the same result for DateTime.
My question is: Is the help file wrong or does the String function have a bug?
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