Ray Kellum
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 2 September 2020 05:55 PM UTC
Hello All,
I have a "helloworld" app that is saving a DW to a PDF file using PDFlib. It is compiled in 32-bit (for a variety of reasons that can't be changed). It works fine on my Windows 10 laptop and VDI, but fails on Citrix running on 2012R2.
This is the basic script:
string ls_pathname
integer li_RC
datastore lds_print
ls_pathname = "H:\test_saveas.pdf"
lds_print = create datastore
lds_print.dataobject = "d_employees"
lds_print.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec = 'Yes'
lds_print.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!
lds_print.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.PDFStandard = 1
li_RC = lds_print.SaveAs ( ls_pathname, PDF!, FALSE )
destroy lds_print
The value of li_RC is -1 so it's a failure, but I have no idea why. Does PDFlib (PBPDF190.dll) not work on Windows Server 2012R2?
Ray Kellum
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