Sang Chul Song
- PowerBuilder
- Saturday, 7 May 2022 03:51 AM UTC
PowerBuilder 2021 Buld 1059
AutoBuild2021 ISSU
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
- <System>
<Provider Name="Application Error" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2022-05-07T03:39:05.771728900Z" />
<Security />
- <EventData>
<Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\PowerBuilder 21.0\PBAutoBuild210.exe</Data>
<Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\PowerBuilder 21.0\MSVCR100.dll</Data>
<Data />
<Data />
"MetaInfo": {
"IDEVersion": "210",
"RuntimeVersion": ""
"BuildPlan": {
"SourceControl": {
"PreCommand": "",
"SVN": [
{"SrcPath": "","User": "","Password": "","DestPath": "","Proxy": {"Ip": "","Port": 0,"Username": "","Password": ""}}
"Git": [
{"SrcPath": "","User": "","Password": "","DestPath": "","Proxy": {"Ip": "","Port": 0,"Username": "","Password": ""}}
"VSS": [
{"SrcPath": "","User": "","Password": "","DestPath": ""}
"Merging": [
{"Target": "D:\\Source\\OnERP2021_NewFrame\\mcframe\\mcframe.pbt","LocalProjectPath": "D:\\Source\\OnERP2021_NewFrame","RefreshPbl": false}
"PostCommand": ""
"BuildJob": {
"PreCommand": "",
"Projects": [
{"Target": "D:\\Source\\OnERP2021_NewFrame\\mcframe\\mcframe.pbt","Name": "onerp_deploy_dev"}
"PostCommand": ""
"Projects": {
"onerp_deploy_dev": {
"ProjectType": 1,
"//": "0: PB Native",
"//": "1: PowerClient",
"//": "2: PowerServer",
"General": {
"AppName": "OnERPDev",
"PBRFileName": "D:\\Source\\OnERP2021_NewFrame\\mcframe\\onerp.pbr",
"ProjectBuildOptions": {
"WindowsClassicStyle": false,
"Rebuild": 0,
"//": "0: Incremental",
"//": "1: Full"
"CodeGenerationOptions": {
"EnableDebugSymbol": true,
"EncryptAllTheCompiledP-CodeFiles": true,
"Platform": 0,
"//": "0: 32-bit",
"//": "1: 64-bit"
"ManifestInformation": {
"GenerateOptions": 0,
"//": "0: No manifest",
"//": "1: Embedded Manifest",
"//": "2: External manifest",
"ExecutionLevel": 0,
"//": "0: As Invoker",
"//": "1: Highest Available",
"//": "2: Require Administrator",
"AllowAccessToProtectedSystemUI": false
"PropertiesDisplayedForExecutable": {
"ProductName": "OnERP",
"CompanyName": "OCI정보통신",
"Description": "OCI 정보통신 ERP 솔루션",
"Copyright": "Copyright 2022 OCIC.co.LTD,",
"ProductVersion": "",
"FileVersion": ""
"ExecutableVersionUsedByInstaller": {
"ProductVersion": [
"FileVersion": [
"Libraries": [
"Library": "mcframe.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\appeon\\appeon_resize.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_frame_dw.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_nvo.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcv_snvo.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcv_svo.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_structure.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_dw.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_calendar.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_service.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_anc_frame.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_manager.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_managerpop_dw.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcfileservice\\mcfileservice.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcfcustom\\mcf_custom_ancestor.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcfcustom\\mcf_custom_button.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcfcustom\\mcf_custom_dw.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcfedms\\mcf_edms.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_search.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcf_dotnet\\mcf_dotnet.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_frame.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_anc.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_btn.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_tab.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_dw.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_edms.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_alam.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"ExternalFiles": {
"FilesPreloadedAsCompressedPackages": {
"onerp": [
"FilesPreloadedInUncompressedFormat": [],
"ImagesOrVideosDynamicallyloaded": []
"Runtime": {
"RuntimeModules": {
"Core Runtime Files": true,
"ADO .NET (ADO)": false,
"Direct Connect Interface (DB)": false,
"Informix v10.x & v12.x Interface (I10)": false,
"Informix v9.x Interface (IN9)": false,
"JDBC Interface (JDB)": false,
"Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MOD)": false,
"ODBC Database Driver (ODB)": false,
"OLE DB Database Driver (OLE)": false,
"Oracle 9 & 9i (O90)": false,
"Oracle 10 & 10g (O10)": true,
"Oracle (ORA)": true,
"SNC SQL Native Client (SNC)": false,
"SAP ASE (SYC)": false,
"SAP ASE 15.x & 16.x (ASE)": false,
"Compression Support": true,
"dotNET Assembly Calls": true,
"EJB Client": false,
"HTTPClient Support": true,
"MS Excel12 Support": true,
"OAuth 2.0 Support": true,
"NativePDF Support": true,
"RESTClient Support": true,
"PB DOM": true,
"RibbonBar Support": false,
"TX TextControl ActiveX 15.0": false,
"TX TextControl ActiveX 28.0": false,
"WebBrowser Support": true,
"Rich Edit Control (TE Edit Control)": false,
"SOAP Client for Web Service": false,
"Web Service DataWindow Support": false
"Signing": {
"SignOptions": 0,
"//": "0: Do not sign the executable file",
"//": "1: Use the SignTool utility from the Windows SDK",
"//": "2: Use your own signing script(*.cmd)",
"UseTheSignTool": {
"SignToolLocation": "",
"SigningCertificate": "",
"CertificatePassword": "",
"SignatureAlgortithm": "SHA256",
"URLOfTheTimestampServer": "http://timestamp.digicert.com"
"UseYourOwnSigningScript": ""
"ClientDeployment": {
"DeploymentServer": {
"DeploymentServerOptions": 0,
"//": "0: Directly deploy to the server",
"//": "1: Package the compiled app and manually deploy later",
"DirectlyDeployToTheServer": {
"ServerProfileName": "OnERPDev",
"CheckTheAvailabilityOfCloudAppLauncherOnTheServerDuringTheDeploymentProcess": false,
"ServerConfiguration": {
"LocalServer": {
"ServerProfileName": "Local",
"WebRootFullPath": ""
"RemoteServer": [
"ServerProfileName": "OnERPDev",
"FTPSettings": {
"Host": "",
"Port": 21,
"Username": "ftp",
"Password": "IEdsa29mOTMl",
"Encryption": 0,
"//": "0: No encryption",
"//": "1: TLS/SSL explicit encryption",
"//": "2: TLS/SSL implicit encryption"
"ServerProfileName": "OnERPTest",
"FTPSettings": {
"Host": "",
"Port": 21,
"Username": "ftp",
"Password": "IEdsa29mOTMl",
"Encryption": 0,
"//": "0: No encryption",
"//": "1: TLS/SSL explicit encryption",
"//": "2: TLS/SSL implicit encryption"
"ServerProfileName": "OnERP",
"FTPSettings": {
"Host": "",
"Port": 21,
"Username": "ftp",
"Password": "IEdsa29mOTMl",
"Encryption": 0,
"//": "0: No encryption",
"//": "1: TLS/SSL explicit encryption",
"//": "2: TLS/SSL implicit encryption"
"PackageTheCompiledAppAndManuallyDeployLater": {
"PackageTheAppAs": 1,
"//": "0: Executable installer file",
"//": "1: Zipped file",
"PackageCloudAppLauncher": false,
"PackageCloudAppLauncherOptions": {
"LauncherProfile": "Default_Both_WithServiceMulti",
"//": "Default_WithoutService",
"//": "Default_WithServiceSingle",
"//": "Default_WithServiceMulti",
"//": "Default_Both_WithServiceSingle",
"//": "Default_Both_WithServiceMulti"
"PackageTheRuntimeFile": {
"32Bit": false,
"64Bit": false
"OutputPath": "C:\\Users\\onerpadm\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\1\\pbappscache\\temp"
"DeploymentVersion": "1.0000000001",
"MinimumCompatibleVersion": "1.0000000001",
"AvailabeTime": "2022-05-06 02:22:40",
"ExpirationTime": "2032-05-06 02:22:40",
"UpdateStrategy": {
"UpdateOptions": 0,
"//": "0: Always update(Note:this option requires that the client stays connected to the server)",
"//": "1: Update when connected",
"//": "2: Never update",
"NeverUpdate": {
"PromptToUpgradeWhenTheApplicationDeploymentVersionIsInvalid": false
"DownloadsOptions": 0,
"//": "0: Download the app files as necessary (except files configured in External Files)",
"//": "1: Download all the app files at app startup",
"AppEntryPageSettings": {
"DefaultStartupMode": 1,
"//": "0: Startup without background service",
"//": "1: Startup with background service",
"StartupWithoutBackgroundService": {
"//": "Deploy manual.html as the entry page, for startup without background service enabled",
"DeplyAutoHtmlAsTheEntryPageForStartupWithBackgroundService": false
"StartupWithBackgroundService": {
"DeplyManualHtmlAsTheEntryPageForStartupWithoutBackgroundService": false,
"//": "Deploy auto.html as the entry page, for startup with background service enabled"
"RunOptions": {
"CommandlineArguments": "",
"AppShortcut": {
"CreateShortcut": {
"DesktopShortcut": true,
"StartMenuShortcut": true,
"AppUninstallShortcut": true
"CustomizeAppShortcutName": "OnERP 개발테스트",
"CustomizeAppShortcutIcon": "D:\\Source\\OnERP2021_NewFrame\\images\\onerp\\onerp_icondesign\\icon_2qP_icon.ico"
"ShowTheLoadingAnimationDeforeTheAppRuns": true,
"ValidateTheApplicationIntegrityBeforeTheAppRuns": false,
"PreloadEvent": {
"Commands": "",
"RunAsAdministrator": true,
"WhenToExecuteTheEvent": 1,
"//": "0: Only when the app first starts or is updated",
"//": "1: Every time the app starts"
"RunningAppFromIDE": {
"HTTPS": true,
"Host": "localhost",
"Port": 0,
"Arguments": "",
"RunTheAppIn": 1,
"//": "0: Default web browser",
"//": "1: Cloud App Launcher (If not installed, the app will be run in the default web browser)"
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