Linda Kelty (Dudzic)
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 16 April 2020 12:22 AM UTC
As a workaround for the problem with embedded SQL calling a stored procedure with an OUTPUT parameter (which I reported earlier this week), I used a remote procedure call. I am using PB19 on W10, SQLNCLI11 and SQL Server 2016.
The remote procedure call gives the error: SQLdbcode = 999, SQLerrtext = “Can not get parameters of procedure dbo.proc_get_default_tax_cd.”
I have reduced this to a minimal example of a stored procedure and a PB 2019 application that invokes the two different methods. (Our server is down; I'll attach later.)
This error occurs in the most critical scenario for the application. It prevents my testing through the application to ensure that I've fixed all the changes that were necessary to the RAISERROR syntax in numerous triggers and stored procedures. I can work around it during testing by commenting out the code and just entering the necessary value manually. Can't go live this way.
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