Markus Eckert
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 9 December 2020 10:32 AM UTC
Hi everyone,
I'm having trouble getting the Page() function to behave in a Richtext Datawindow in PB2019 R2 (and earlier until at least PB2017 R3).
In some cases, the page() function just plain doesn't work (i.e. always returns the same value no matter the page), sometimes it only works when it's converted to a string.
I've attached an example DW demonstrating the issue with four computed fields in the header:
1. The "builitin" Page X of Y computed field.
2. A computed field with the expression "page()"
3. A computed field with the expression "string(page())"
4. A computed field with the expression "if( page() = 1 , 'First Page', 'Other Page' )"
As you can see, the computed fields either all think they're on page 4, or (at times) only #1 and #3 work correctly
Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this?
Or does anyone know of a better idea to get text to only show up on page 1 of a Richtext Datawindow? (I've already tried converting the output of page() to a string in the if clause, the trick doesn't work there.)
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