- Team BFMS
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 4 February 2019 03:45 PM UTC
I have a few problems viewing the reports after migrating the code from power builder 9 to 2017R3(MR #1858 patch). Problem is that the content in the reports are not sorting in order and some of the text found missing in few pages while being generated. I was able view the text in the report but the contents are disordered unlike in the screenshot that i attached below(This is before installing the latest patch). After installing the latest MR#1880 R3 patch that released on January 31, 2018 i am not able to see the reports instead am seeing some blank pages. I wonder if there is anything to do with the latest patch ? FYI, the application is run in windows 10 environment. Please help me with this.
Please check the attachment that has a report which is successfully generated (power builder 9)
Thanks in advance!!
Here is the code that utilizes RTE control for generating the report: For your reference
string ls_sql, ls_sy_sql, ls_err, ls_text, ls_title, ls_rtf[]
datastore ldw_narr
long ll_row, ll_bien, ll_narrative_id, ll_cnt = 0
window ldw_narrative
// Assign Richtext datawindow
dw_0.DataObject = 'r_rich_text'
if not (isnull(il_narrative_id) or il_narrative_id = 0 ) then
select text
into :ls_text
from narrative
where narrative_id = :il_narrative_id ;
ll_cnt = ll_cnt + 1
ls_rtf[ll_cnt] = ls_text
end if
// Assign Categories to the report datawindow
ldw_narr = Create datastore
ls_sql = "select category_id, category_title, narrative_id from category where section_id = "+string(il_section_id)+" and enabled_ind = 1 and narrative_id is not null order by print_order"
ls_sy_sql = SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL(ls_sql, "", ls_err)
0 then messagebox('Syntax',ls_err)
ldw_narr.Create( ls_sy_sql, ls_err)
0 then messagebox('Create',ls_err)
for ll_row = 1 to ldw_narr.rowcount()
ll_narrative_id = ldw_narr.getitemnumber(ll_row,'narrative_id')
select text
into :ls_text
from narrative
where narrative_id = :ll_narrative_id ;
ll_cnt = ll_cnt + 1
ls_rtf[ll_cnt] = ls_text
FOR ll_row= ll_cnt TO 1 STEP -1
0 Then
istr_dw_state.p1 = dw_0.dataobject
IF ib_print THEN
istr_dw_state.rpt_title = 'Section ' + is_prefix + "'s Narrative"
OpenSheetwithparm(ldw_narrative, istr_dw_state, 'w_view_reports', w_mdi, 0, Layered!)
istr_dw_state.p1 = ''
il_start_page_no = il_start_page_no + dw_0.getitemnumber(1,'pageno')
End If
return 0
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