Olan Knight
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 31 August 2020 06:19 PM UTC
After searching the Registry for duplicate entries, I found this:
I deleted this entry manually, and then the RegistryGet () function worked correctly.
I was NOT ableto delete this key using the RegistryDelete() function, even after I updated the rights on the key and gave full control to Administrators and all application packages.
PB 2019R2, b2353
Windows 64 bit platform
32 bit PB Classic application in DEBUG mode
I am getting an invalid return value from RegistryGet(), both in DEBUG mode and at runtime.
As per the thread https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/registryget-and-registryset-problems
I thought this issue was resolved. It is not, or I'm missing something.
Q: How can I get valid results from the Registry?
Here's the complete page showing the Regedit values and the DEBUG values in one image. Details are below this image.
This shows each component from the image above:
SetSQLSpy = N
Path from Regedit:
ls_key from debug:
ls_regstring from debug:
Command from debug:
RegistryGet (ls_key, ls_regstring, RegString!, ls_sqlspy)
ls_sqlspy = "Y"
When I use a return code, the return code is "1":
ll_rc = RegistryGet (ls_key, ls_regstring, RegString!, ls_sqlspy)
Thank You,
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