Sivaprakash BKR
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 7 April 2021 07:47 AM UTC
Using PB 2017 R3
Got a selection window, whereby users can select a row by pressing 'ENTER' key or 'DOUBLIC CLICK' that row by mouse.
Code in ue_key event (Event Id: pbm_dwnkey)
If dw_list.RowCount() > 0 Then
If Keyflags = 0 and Key = KeyEnter! Then
Event ue_selection()
End If
End If
Code in rowfocuschanged event, [ To highlight the row selected ]
If currentrow > 0 Then
SetRow ( currentrow )
SelectRow ( 0, False )
SelectRow ( currentrow, True )
End If
Code in doubleclicked event,
If row > 0 and row <= rowcount() Then
Event ue_selection()
End If
If the user press ENTER key in one row, the rowfocuschanged event is fired and it highlights the next row before firing the event ue_selection. No code(s) in any other event(s).
This happens in PB 2017 and NOT in PB 11.5. The same code doesn't move the highlight row to next row in PB 11.5
Has anything changed in firing order in PB 2017 ?
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash
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