Ganesan Rajan
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 10 February 2022 06:31 AM UTC
Hi All,
Currently we are using PowerBuilder 2017 R3 to develop and maintain our Product. We are using SQL Native Client (SQLNCLI11) to connect to MS SQL Server.
Whenever we think of PB upgrade, we always pick the PB version which is provided with Long Term Support.
Also we have to consider our customers' requests asking to support latest features in SQL Server like Always On Availability(multisubnet failover) and TLS 1.2 connectivity etc,
So the next version of PowerBuilder should have the following features.
1) Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL) support to connect to MS SQL Server database. Main purpose is to exploit latest features of MS SQL Server like Mutisubnet failover support.
2) Connect to SQL Server through TLS 1.2
So is it logical to pick PowerBuilder 2019 R3 as our next PB version as it is the long term supported version? If this is not going to help us to meet above point 1&2, what is the next LTSR version.
Your suggestions and help will be much appreciated.
Ganesan R
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