properties or variables?
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Richard Hartman
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 19 February 2025 05:23 AM UTC
I am working on an inherited application using Powerbuilder 2021 ... but I am pretty sure this was originally from an earlier version. Possibly 2019.
I am new to powerbuilder so I may be missing some basic knowledge -- don't assume ANYTHING for me.
I just touched a panel (that is in a tab, that is in a form -- these may not be the proper nomenclature for PB, but I presume the context makes it clear what I am talking about). And now it won't compile, complaining about
undefined variable: ib_equipenabled
on the line:
ib_EquipEnabled = FALSE
I went to declare an instance variable:
boolean ib_EquipEnabled = true
And then it complained
instance name with same name as property: ib_equipenabled
I looked at the properties for the panel, tab, and form ... and could not find ib_equipenabled in any of them.
cheating and editing the sru file directly, I found:
event ue_enableequipselect ( boolean ab_equipselect )
event ue_popupcontactlist pbm_dwnkey
cb_reconfirmstatus cb_reconfirmstatus
p_notes p_notes
boolean ib_TimeEditInProg = FALSE, ib_EquipEnabled
string is_CurTimeColumn, is_temp
So underneath the events were what I _thought_ were instance variables, but none of them showed up in the declare instance variables window. And when I did declare one of them it seems like these are actually properties.
But if they are properties, why the first error about the undefined variable? And where would I find it as a property?
I am thinking that something about setting properties may have changed with 2022 from 2019 (or earlier?) resulting in the undefined variable error, that it only complained about when I touched that module.
How do I fix this?
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