Mike Kochevar
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 8 April 2021 06:21 PM UTC
We have recently upgraded our powerbuilder app to PB2019 and upgraded out PFC libraries to PFC2019. One change in the PFC libraries is hindering our ability to print when using File\Print from the menu bar. With the upgrade to PFC2019 the pfc_print event has been added to the pfc_w_master object this has added the event to all windows inherited from pfc_w_master. When File\Print is clicked the pfc_messagerouter event is called on pfc_w_master the line of code (underlined and bold) below succeeds and the print window is not opened. Before the upgrade to PFC2019 the pfc_print event was not on the descendant window and the line below would fail and the print dialog would open...
graphicobject lgo_focus
// Check argument
If IsNull (as_message) or Len (Trim (as_message)) = 0 Then
Return -1
End If
// Try sending the message to this window, if successful exit event.
If This.TriggerEvent (as_message) = 1 Then Return 1
// Try sending the message to the current control, if successful exit event.
lgo_focus = GetFocus()
If IsValid (lgo_focus) Then
If lgo_focus.TriggerEvent (as_message) = 1 Then Return 1
End If
// Try sending the message to the last active datawindow, if successful exit event.
If IsValid (idw_active) Then
If idw_active.TriggerEvent (as_message) = 1 Then Return 1
End If
// No objects recognized the message
Return 0
From what I have read if the event that is being triggered does not contain any code the TriggerEvent() should return -1 but that is not happening in this case. I have tried to force a -1 return but that still does not work.
I know that PFC is not supported by Appeon, I was wondering if anyone else had encountered this problem, any suggestions would be helpful.
Thank you,
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