Sylvain .
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 5 May 2021 03:34 PM UTC
PowerBuilder CloudPro 2019R3 Build 2670
MySQL Server 8.0.23
MySQL ODBC 8.0 ANSI Driver
I have a parent table with 2 child tables.
The parent table key is a column define as BIGINT with AUTO_INCREMENT and the 2 child tables key are both a column define as BIGINT.
I have 3 datawindows, one for each tables with a simple SELECT KEY_ID, COL1, COL2,… WHERE KEY_ID = :al_key_id in every datawindow.
the :al_key_id retrieval argument in all 3 datawindows is defined as a NUMBER.
The child datawindows always retrieve properly but the parent datawindow did not retrieve.
I changed the retrieval argument for the parent datawindow from NUMBER to DECIMAL and now it retrieve properly.
My understanding of NUMBER vs DECIMAL is as follow:
NUMBER 15 digits signed
DECIMAL 28 digits signed with a decimal point anywhere in there
My question is why the retrieve of the parent table do not work with NUMBER but work with DECIMAL, especially when the value I’m using for the key is 1.
Does anyone has an idea about this, and should I always use DECIMAL over NUMBER.
I have other tables across our systems with the same parent child configuration and they ALL use NUMBER without problem, only that specific parent table give me that problem.
Thank you for your time and effort, it is always appreciated.
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