Clarence Chamorro
- PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
- Sunday, 12 May 2019 02:24 PM UTC
I will give you a little brief of what happened before I explain the issue I have and ask my question.
The production box, where I had PowerServer Work group edition with our license, crashed.
I am in the process of getting back our PowerServer lic and getting a new server box.
Mean while I downloaded the PowerServer trial version and installed in a temporary box. I deploy the two critical app and everything is fine.
Now I'm trying to deployed the none critical app and The tool kit seems to be doing his job and I do not get any errors, I try to install the app in the android Workspace & I get an error: "Test Connection The requested URL returned error: 404". (Obviously if the critical app are working the trusty rights and the IIS settings are also OK.)
In IIS the folder for my no critical app does not exist. Then I open the windows explorer go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot and ,of course, it does not exist either. The estrange thing is when I open the AEM (Application Enterprise Manager) the apps are there like if the deployment when thru OK. I am thinking mayby PowerServer trial edition only can deal with IIS for a max number of APPs. I do not know. What can be happening?
Like always an advise to solve my issue will be greatly appreciated.
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