William Beale
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 26 October 2018 01:48 AM UTC
I’m having difficulty creating a new library .pbl - something I easily accomplished in the past but can’t manage now. I’m using version 2017 R2 build 1756
I open my development application and close all painters. I click menu File/New and open the response window at the Library tab and click the ‘library’ icon and ‘OK’.
The ‘Create New Library’ response opens and I enter the .pbl name. It adds the path and the .pbl file-type to ‘foo’:
I add a description and click the ‘Finish’ button.
I get an error message on the bottom left of the response window that says, ‘Error setting library list’
I open the Library Painter and, despite the error message, the foo.pbl exists but it’s not in the tree-view of the application.
If I click on the foo.pbl in the Library Painter and elect to import, I get the message ‘There must be an open workspace with PowerBuilder targets to complete this operation’. (The workspace is open)
If I close the Library Painter (so no painters are open) and right-click on the application target and open the small response window with the Library List, the ‘New…’ and ‘Browse ..’ buttons on the widow are disabled.
Clicking the target Properties to open the same window library list has the same outcome with the buttons disabled.
I have no source control on the application.
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