Pepe Cuenca
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 8 March 2021 03:04 PM UTC
Hi EveryOne,
I'm trying to create a Datawindow from an stored procedure, I've done it lots of times but this one is not working properly.
The stored procedure is in an SQL Server Database.
As always, I do a NEW - Datawindow - Grid - Stored procedure.
It shows me all the stored procedures in the DB, and when I select the one I want, it gives me an error:
"Error converting a character string in data and/or time"
I've activate the trace an the log file shows the sentence used to build the DW:
execute dbo.InformeRegistroAnalisisActuacion;1 @DesdeProveedor = '0', @HastaProveedor = '0', @RangoProveedores = '0', @DesdeFinca = '0', @HastaFinca = '0', @RangoFincas = '0', @DesdeCultivo = 0, @HastaCultivo = 0, @RangoCultivos = '0', @RangoTipoAnalisisFinca = '0', @RangoTipoAnalisisCultivo = '0', @DesdeFecha = '1990-07-14 00:00:00.000', @HastaFecha = '1990-07-14 00:00:00.000', @RangoFechas = '0', @DesdeTecnico = '0', @HastaTecnico = '0', @RangoTecnicos = '0', @ObtenerEsquema = 0
The problem is in the Datetime format that must be yyyymmdd and in the variable @RangoFechas, that doesn't like to be 0 it seems.
The question is, can I create the Datawindow assigning manually the data, and then changing it when I want to use it?
If I rune the procedure from the code, It works ok:
Declare procedimiento Procedure For InformeRegistroAnalisisActuacion '', '', '', '', '','',0,0,'','', '1067', NULL, NULL, '', '','', '',1
USING sqlsrv;
EXECUTE procedimiento;
But I prefer to populate the DW directly than doing all the stuff...
Is this possible?
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