- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 21 September 2020 10:14 AM UTC
Message edited on 2020-09-23 after further findings
I'm having trouble compilating one of our applications with Orca where it work great for the others.
I built a powershell script call the appropriate programs and copy files around.
It will git pull, refresh and build the exe and pbd of nine applications.
Works great expect for one exe which will give me an error "unresovable external w_budget_mensuel when linking refrence at line..."
If I keep the same script but do the build part from the IDE instead of Orca the applications works OK.
The setup:
All applications are in latest PB 2019 R2
3 workspaces
2 of them share pbl with the others
All connected to their respective Git repositories.
workspace 1 (sigma_ged) has two targets with the same library list, the application and project objet of that two target are not in the same PBL.
Was recently migrated from PB 12.5
workspace 2 (unit) has six targets, five of then have the same library list, and their application and project objects are in the same pbl (unit.pbl). the sixth target has a diffrent library list and its application and project objects are in their own pbl.
Was recently migrated from PB 12.5
workspace 3 (unit_ng) has one target
Was recently migrated from PB 17 R3
Workspace 1 and 2 used to be built with Orca (pborc not orcascr) but because there was no SourceControl the procress was a bit different.
The script:
First a git pull on all repositories
Then a refresh of the pbl
The refresh is made with orcascr190.exe with the following orcscript
start session
set debug true
scc set connect property provider "Git"
scc set connect property localprojpath cheminProjet
scc set connect property logfile cheminLog
scc connect offline
scc set target nomTarget typeRefresh
scc refresh target methodeRefresh
scc close
end session
It is called for all the targets (previously for all the target but the ones that shared the same library list with another one) with "outofdate importonly" and "3pass"
Then the targets are built in that order
Workspace 1 Target 1
start session
set appendlib "magisstruct.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_core_base.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_core.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sig_obj.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_menu_base.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_menu.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_tpl.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_tpl_base.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sigma_ged.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ged_lots.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ged_outils.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ged_param_appli.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ged_param_admin.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ged_ident.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ged_accueil.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ged_corbeilles.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ged_shared.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ged_ma_corb.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "magisressources.pbl" "y" "MagisRessources.pbr"
set appendlib "magis_metier.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "externals.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "magis_tdb.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "magis_imagein.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "..\unit\common.pbl" "y"
set application "sigma_ged.pbl" nomApplication
set exeinfo property companyname nomCompagnie
set exeinfo property productname nomProduit
set exeinfo property description descriptionProduit
set exeinfo property copyright infoCopyright
set exeinfo property fileversion versionFichier
set exeinfo property fileversionnum numeroVersionFichier
set exeinfo property productversion versionProduit
set exeinfo property productversionnum numeroVersionProduit
;build application full
build library "magisstruct.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sig_fwk_core_base.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sig_fwk_core.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sig_obj.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sig_fwk_menu_base.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sig_fwk_menu.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sig_fwk_tpl.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sig_fwk_tpl_base.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sigma_ged.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ged_lots.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ged_outils.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ged_param_appli.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ged_param_admin.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ged_ident.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ged_accueil.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ged_corbeilles.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ged_shared.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ged_ma_corb.pbl" "" pbd
build library "magisressources.pbl" "MagisRessources.pbr" pbd
build library "magis_metier.pbl" "" pbd
build library "externals.pbl" "" pbd
build library "magis_tdb.pbl" "" pbd
build library "magis_imagein.pbl" "" pbd
build library "..\unit\common.pbl" "" pbd
build executable nomexe nomIcone "" "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
end session
Workspace 1 Target 2
start session
set appendlib "magisstruct.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_core_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_core.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "sig_obj.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_menu_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_menu.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_tpl.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "sig_fwk_tpl_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "sigma_ged.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "ged_lots.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "ged_outils.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "ged_param_appli.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "ged_param_admin.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "ged_ident.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "ged_accueil.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "ged_corbeilles.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "ged_shared.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "ged_ma_corb.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "magisressources.pbd" "y" "MagisRessources.pbr"
set appendlib "magis_metier.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "externals.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "magis_tdb.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "magis_imagein.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\unit\common.pbd" "y"
set application "magis_imagein.pbd" nomApplication
set exeinfo property companyname nomCompagnie
set exeinfo property productname nomProduit
set exeinfo property description descriptionProduit
set exeinfo property copyright infoCopyright
set exeinfo property fileversion versionFichier
set exeinfo property fileversionnum numeroVersionFichier
set exeinfo property productversion versionProduit
set exeinfo property productversionnum numeroVersionProduit
build executable nomexe nomIcone "" "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
end session
Workspace 2 Target 1
start session
set appendlib "unit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "common.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "uo_com.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "anges_com.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "uo_anges.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "f_budget.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "unit_tools.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "unit_ressources.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "admin_edit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "admin_prm.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "admin_trt.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "uo_admin.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "anges_edit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "anges.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "anges2.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "anges3.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "compta_edit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "compta_integ.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "compta_prm.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "compta_trt.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "dgf.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "f_compta.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "f_excel.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "nomad.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "pmp.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "poubelle.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "unit_mig.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "unit_version.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "uo_budget.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "uo_compta.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "uo_echeance.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\externals.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_accueil.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_corbeilles.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_ident.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_lots.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_ma_corb.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_outils.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_param_admin.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_param_appli.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_shared.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magisressources.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magisstruct.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_core.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_core_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_menu.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_menu_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_tpl.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_tpl_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_obj.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magis_metier.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "sepa.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "barometre.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magis_tdb.pbd" "y"
set application "unit.pbl" nomApplication
set exeinfo property companyname nomCompagnie
set exeinfo property productname nomProduit
set exeinfo property description descriptionProduit
set exeinfo property copyright infoCopyright
set exeinfo property fileversion versionFichier
set exeinfo property fileversionnum numeroVersionFichier
set exeinfo property productversion versionProduit
set exeinfo property productversionnum numeroVersionProduit
;build application full
build library "unit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "uo_com.pbl" "" pbd
build library "anges_com.pbl" "" pbd
build library "uo_anges.pbl" "" pbd
build library "f_budget.pbl" "" pbd
build library "unit_tools.pbl" "" pbd
build library "unit_ressources.pbl" "unit.pbr" pbd
build library "admin_edit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "admin_prm.pbl" "" pbd
build library "admin_trt.pbl" "" pbd
build library "uo_admin.pbl" "" pbd
build library "anges_edit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "anges.pbl" "" pbd
build library "anges2.pbl" "" pbd
build library "anges3.pbl" "" pbd
build library "compta_edit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "compta_integ.pbl" "" pbd
build library "compta_prm.pbl" "" pbd
build library "compta_trt.pbl" "" pbd
build library "dgf.pbl" "" pbd
build library "f_compta.pbl" "" pbd
build library "f_excel.pbl" "" pbd
build library "nomad.pbl" "" pbd
build library "pmp.pbl" "" pbd
build library "poubelle.pbl" "" pbd
build library "unit_mig.pbl" "" pbd
build library "unit_version.pbl" "" pbd
build library "uo_budget.pbl" "" pbd
build library "uo_compta.pbl" "" pbd
build library "uo_echeance.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sepa.pbl" "" pbd
build library "barometre.pbl" "" pbd
build executable nomexe nomIcone "" "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
end session
Workspace 2 target 2 3 4 5
start session
set appendlib "unit.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "common.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "uo_com.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "anges_com.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "uo_anges.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "f_budget.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "unit_tools.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "unit_ressources.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "admin_edit.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "admin_prm.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "admin_trt.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "uo_admin.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "anges_edit.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "anges.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "anges2.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "anges3.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "compta_edit.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "compta_integ.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "compta_prm.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "compta_trt.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "dgf.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "f_compta.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "f_excel.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "nomad.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "pmp.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "poubelle.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "unit_mig.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "unit_version.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "uo_budget.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "uo_compta.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "uo_echeance.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\externals.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_accueil.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_corbeilles.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_ident.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_lots.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_ma_corb.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_outils.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_param_admin.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_param_appli.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_shared.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magisressources.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magisstruct.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_core.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_core_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_menu.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_menu_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_tpl.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_tpl_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_obj.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magis_metier.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "sepa.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "barometre.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magis_tdb.pbd" "y"
set application "unit.pbd" nomApplication
set exeinfo property companyname nomCompagnie
set exeinfo property productname nomProduit
set exeinfo property description descriptionProduit
set exeinfo property copyright infoCopyright
set exeinfo property fileversion versionFichier
set exeinfo property fileversionnum numeroVersionFichier
set exeinfo property productversion versionProduit
set exeinfo property productversionnum numeroVersionProduit
build executable nomexe nomIcone "" "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
end session
Workspace 2 target 6
start session
set appendlib "fraisdegestion.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "common.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\externals.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_accueil.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_corbeilles.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_ident.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_lots.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_ma_corb.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_outils.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_param_admin.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_param_appli.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_shared.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magisressources.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magisstruct.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_core.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_core_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_menu.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_menu_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_tpl.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_tpl_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_obj.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magis_metier.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "unit_version.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "mig_fg.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sepa.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magis_tdb.pbd" "y"
set application "fraisdegestion.pbl" nomApplication
set exeinfo property companyname nomCompagnie
set exeinfo property productname nomProduit
set exeinfo property description descriptionProduit
set exeinfo property copyright infoCopyright
set exeinfo property fileversion versionFichier
set exeinfo property fileversionnum numeroVersionFichier
set exeinfo property productversion versionProduit
set exeinfo property productversionnum numeroVersionProduit
build library "fraisdegestion.pbl" "" pbd
build library "mig_fg.pbl" "" pbd
build executable nomexe nomIcone "" "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy "
end session
Workspace 3 target 1
start session
set appendlib "ng_unit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sfw_srv.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sfw_sc_desc.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sfw_sc.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sfw_tpl_desc.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sfw_tpl.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sfw_cc_desc.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sfw_cc.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "sfw_externals.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_sfwa.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_tpl.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_frc.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_unit_commun.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_unit_prm.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_unit_edit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_unit_dddw.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_suividossier_trt.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_suividossier_edit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_suividossier_prm.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_budget_trt.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_budget_edit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_budget_prm.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_fact_trt.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_fact_edit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_compta_trt.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_compta_edit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_compta_prm.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_evenement_trt.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_evenement_edit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_evenement_prm.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_lettretype_trt.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_lettretype_edit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_lettretype_prm.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_dgf_trt.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_dgf_edit.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_dgf_prm.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_crg_prm.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_crg_trt.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "ng_tdb_trt.pbl" "y"
set appendlib "..\unit\common.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\externals.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_accueil.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_corbeilles.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_ident.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_lots.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_ma_corb.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_outils.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_param_admin.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_param_appli.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\ged_shared.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magisressources.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magisstruct.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_core.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_core_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_menu.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_menu_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_tpl.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_fwk_tpl_base.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\sig_obj.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magis_metier.pbd" "y"
set appendlib "..\magis\magis_tdb.pbd" "y"
set application "ng_unit.pbl" nomApplication
set exeinfo property companyname nomCompagnie
set exeinfo property productname nomProduit
set exeinfo property description descriptionProduit
set exeinfo property copyright infoCopyright
set exeinfo property fileversion versionFichier
set exeinfo property fileversionnum numeroVersionFichier
set exeinfo property productversion versionProduit
set exeinfo property productversionnum numeroVersionProduit
build library "ng_unit.pbl" "Ressources\unitng.pbr" pbd
build library "sfw_srv.pbl" "Ressources\sfw.pbr" pbd
build library "sfw_sc_desc.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sfw_sc.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sfw_tpl_desc.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sfw_tpl.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sfw_cc_desc.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sfw_cc.pbl" "" pbd
build library "sfw_externals.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_sfwa.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_tpl.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_frc.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_unit_commun.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_unit_prm.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_unit_edit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_unit_dddw.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_suividossier_trt.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_suividossier_edit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_suividossier_prm.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_budget_trt.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_budget_edit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_budget_prm.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_fact_trt.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_fact_edit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_compta_trt.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_compta_edit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_compta_prm.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_evenement_trt.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_evenement_edit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_evenement_prm.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_lettretype_trt.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_lettretype_edit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_lettretype_prm.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_dgf_trt.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_dgf_edit.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_dgf_prm.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_crg_prm.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_crg_trt.pbl" "" pbd
build library "ng_tdb_trt.pbl" "" pbd
build executable nomexe nomIcone "" "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
end session
Then it's just files copy to have the relevent pbd in the apps directories.
All application works fine but the Workspace 2 Target 2 which gives me the "unresovable external w_budget_mensuel when linking refrence at line..." error
w_budget_mensuel is a window in the anges.pbl
I uncommented the build application full in the orc script.
The build application full for W2T1 gives me errors undefined variable everytime we have a isValid(w_some_window) in the code, w_some_window can be any window in a different PBL.
Everything is fine in the IDE, and building the project from the IDE work perfectly.
Anything I'm missing or should do differently ?
Thanks in advance.
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