Ronnie Po
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 16 August 2018 12:39 AM UTC
Hello community,
Using the latest combination of PB 2017 R3 and PS Web 2017 R3 in Windows 10 Pro, I get the following error when calling a stored procedure in a SQL Anywhere 11 database using output parameters:
Error 10999
Parameter[0]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0.
The following steps will produce the error in my setup.
1. Create a simple dummy procedure in the SQL Anywhere database:
@application_name varchar(80) OUTPUT
@application_name = 'Test Web Portal'
2. In a PowerBuilder SQLCA UserObject, declare under Local External Functions:
SUBROUTINE sp_testproc( ref string application_name ) RPCFUNC ALIAS FOR "~"dbo~".~"sp_testproc~""
(The ~" was necessary for deployment to Appeon Web and Mobile)
3. Execute the following PowerScript:
The stored procedure returns with an error, and the above message box displays.
The same code works as expected in client-server mode.
The same code works as expected when deployed to Appeon Web 2016 from PB 12.5.
Any ideas?
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