Michael Hartnett
- PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
- Tuesday, 7 May 2019 12:08 PM UTC
Hi All/Appeon Staff,
We use Powerbuilder Universal for developing a mobile app solution, which is deployed on an internal Powerserver Server for use within the organisation. This Powerserver is licensed using one of the 3 Production licenses associated with our Appeon Enterprise Account. In other words it is using the PB Powerserver (Mobile).
I have just upgraded the Powerserver using the Appeon PB 2017 R3 Build 1880 update. I will also be updating our development PCs to the same PB build in order to be able to redeploy our Apps. We were hoping to be able to make use of some of the major new features in Powerserver but I have checked the appeon_workarounds & appeon_cordova pbls in the '\appeon\developTempFile' folder after the upgrade and they have not been updated, so I assume that the PB version is not on the same feature path as the GA version.
- What are the differences between the PB version of Powerserver and the current Powerserver 2019 GA release?
- Does the PB Powerserver build 1880 have the same new major features as Powerserver 2019?
- What new features are included in the Build 1880 release of Powerserver?
- Will we need to wait for Powerbuilder 2019 release on 31st May to get the New Features (SQL Server 2017, iOS 12, Android 8 & 9 support)?
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