Zhang JX
- Beta Testing
- Wednesday, 5 May 2021 02:12 PM UTC
Hi Team,
2 questions for help:
1. Is there PowerBuilder2021 function to get PS SessionID? I need log this session ID to DB table for analytic purpose;
2. When use below Powerscript SQL statement to insert table info directly, get below error message:
If li_count > 0 Then
Update sys_session_log set update_date = :ldt_createtime, coy_code = :is_coy_code, device_id = :is_device_id where session_id = :iblob_SessionId;
INSERT INTO sys_session_log (session_id, coy_code,session_date,update_date,usr_logon,device_id,comp_name)
VALUES (:iblob_SessionId,:is_coy_code,:ldt_createtime, :ldt_createtime, :is_usrlogon,:is_device_Id, :ls_ComputerName ) ;
End If
SQLErrTxt: Get IE auto proxy failed
What's wrong with that? no issue with Client/server access.
-- have to add "using sqlca;"?
Thank you.
Best Regards,
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