Hari KrishnaBolla
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 8 March 2021 12:55 PM UTC
I am from the IT department of my company Sedgwick. We seeking some technical support.
One of our business application is written in Power Builder 12.5 runs in an exclusive Remote Desktop environment. It makes calls to Outlook 2010 to send emails, open email objects etc. This is a important feature of the application. We are in the process of migrating from Outlook 2010 to Outlook 2016.
In this situation we are planning to move from Outlook 2010 to Outlook 2016, currently testing. When our application tries to connect to Outlook 2016, application does not able to connect to outlook and its crashing.
Please can you help in fixing this problem.
The below code is being used to connect to outlook account and while executing line “lmrc_ret = maillogon(mailNewSession!)”, application is crashing.
mailReturnCode lmrc_ret
string ls_prof, ls_msg
long ll_ret
ll_ret = SecurityManager.ConnectToNewObject("AddInExpress.OutlookSecurityManager")
if ll_ret < 0 then
gnv_app.cmessagebox('n_emailsession',gnv_app.is_displayname,"Unable to Clear Outlook Security")
return false
end if
RegistryGet ( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles", "DefaultProfile", RegString!,ls_prof)
ib_loggedon = false
//lmrc_ret = maillogon(ls_prof,"",mailnewsession!)
lmrc_ret = maillogon(mailNewSession!)
Choose Case lmrc_ret
Case mailReturnSuccess!
ib_loggedon = true
Case mailReturnLoginFailure!
ls_msg = "Login Failure"
Case mailReturnInsufficientMemory!
ls_msg = "Login Failure"
Case mailReturnTooManySessions!
ls_msg = "Too Many Sessions"
Case mailReturnUserAbort!
ls_msg = "User Abort"
Case Else
ls_msg = "Unspecified Error"
End Choose
if not ib_loggedon then
gnv_app.cmessagebox('n_emailsession',gnv_app.is_displayname,"Email ||"+ls_msg)
end if
return ib_loggedon
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